by Craig O. Olsen
Originally Published in the IAMC Newsletter, January 2015
During the 2014 calendar year, 30 club members signed up to participate in the 2014 IAMC Challenge, and19 participated by visiting at least one or more of the 45 sites. This past year the Challenge sites comprised mainly fire lookouts with some interesting water falls and lakes thrown in for variety. There were actually 42 fixed physical sites to visit with two others that were variable (picture of your bike in the snow and a water crossing). The 45th site consisted of posting an invitation on the club website of your own ride of which 8 participants posted an invite.

Of the 19 club members who participated during 2014, 9 who achieved the bronze Tre level (10-19 sites visited) are Dan Driscoll, Dax Mickleson, Michael Hardy, Gary Kayser, Mark Englund, Robert Hammond, Chuch Scheer, Ron Schinnerer, and Ed Torrey. The three who reached the silver Tre level (20-29 sites visited) include Jim Joprgenson, Rick Skinner, and Ma_hew Spurlock. The one club member who attained the gold Tre level (30-39 sites visited) is Wayne Smith. Only one club member achieved platinum Tre level (40-45 sites visited) – Craig Olsen.
We recognize all who participated in visiting last year’s Challenge sites. A special thanks goes out to Rick Skinner who was primarily responsible for picking the 2014 Challenge sites. Three of the articles in this issue of the newsletter highlight the 2014 Challenge journey for some of the tire level winners.