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2016 Challenge Adventures

by Ron Schinnerer (Platinum Tire Level Winner) Originally Published in the IAMC Newsletter, January 2017

2015 was a fairly lean year riding-wise for me. I started 2016 out planning to correct that injustice. As early as the January Awards lunch, I started socializing the idea of riding the Idaho Backcountry Discovery Route with a number of people. I was well on my way to planning that ride when the list of Challenge points was released. I quickly realized that many of the Challenge sites could be visited either along the IDBDR or on the way back home. 

With many of the Challenge sites covered in my plans already, I realized that a loop through Eastern Idaho would allow me to visit most of the remaining sites. I started planning that loop for late June. I put together a route that would take me through the East Idaho sites with a mix of dirt and pavement that would keep any backtracking to a minimum. I also planned the route so that I could stay in hotels each night that allowed me to travel lighter and make more use of riding hours during the day. I covered 1,336 miles and visited 18 Challenge sites over 4 days on this trip. 

My 1,336 mile, 4-day trip to eastern Idaho to visit 18 Challenge sites.
Tetonia, site #-36.
Freedom, site #-18.
Dingle, site #-14.
Eden, site #-15.
South Fork of the Boise on the way to Prairie.
The whole crew at Lowman; L to R: Mark Wurtenburger, Ron Schinnerer, Dan Driscoll, and Norris Riggs. (Okay, so this might not be as scenic.)
Johnson Creek south of Yellow Pine.
Norris at Elk Summit between Yellow Pine and Warren.
Challenge Photo at Burgdorf. (Not a challenge site, but we didn’t know that at the Ime.)
Group photo at the old bus on French Creek, north of Burgdorf.

The big event for the year started in late July. I was joined by Dan Driscoll, Mark Wurtenburger, and Norris Riggs on an 8 day epic adventure on the Idaho Backcountry Discovery Route. We were treated to an unending array of scenic views and most of the remaining Challenge Sites. 

Train car at Avery, Site #-5.

I’d like to thank everyone that I have ridden with this past year. Sharing these adventures with others is what really makes them great!

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