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My Fourth Year Doing the Challenge

by Ed Torrey
Originally Published in the IAMC Newsletter, May 2014

2013 was my 4th year doing the Challenge, and I’m still seeing new places. I just think of all the neat places I would not have visited had I not participated in the Idaho Adventure Motorcycle Club Challenges. Not just the Challenge sites, but the adventure getting there and the great people I have ridden with and met along the way.

Paris Tabernacle

Due to the heavy demand of overtime at work, I knew I was going to be limited on my Saddle time this year. I even debated on not participating in the 2013 Challenge. It did not take long to convince myself to go for it and enjoy what time I could get on the bike. Even if I could only get a few sites, it would be worth it.

Fort Boise Marker

Out came my Benchmark maps book, and I started to plan my 2013 Challenge wish list. To optimize the time I had I was going to need to plan something that would get me the most sites in the shortest amount of miles and time. I put together an approximate 1,000 mile, 3 day trip that would net me 15 sites, 12 of which I have never visited before. So late in May I headed to Golden Spike hitting all the Challenge sites near my route. I then headed to Montpelier, Idaho Falls, Kilgore, Howe, Arco, Mountain Home, and then came back home. I tried to keep to the main roads because it was early in the year, and I did not want to backtrack due to snow on the passes. Over the next 4 month I was able to do some day trips picking up 8 more sites. Then is September FoolHardy posted a Steens overnighter, and that trip netted 4 more sites. After getting back and going though all my Challenge pictures, I realize I only needed 3 more sites to achieve my gold tire level. So in late November I was able to get my last three: Swan Falls dam, Bonneville Point, and old Fort Boise marker.

My favorite site this year was Golden spike. I have never been there, and it was very interesting. I thought all the sites on my big loop were well worth the time and effort getting there.

The one very interesting thing was Sheep Bridge. I have been by there and camped down the road, but never new it was there. I guess you never know what treasure is just over the next little hump.

Historic Golden Spike Monument

Every year I save all the sites on my GPS and computer along with a lot of the tracks just incase someone asks about a neat place to go, or I want to take a group out to explore. I’m looking forward to the 2014 Challenge.

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