by Craig O. Olsen
Originally Published in the IAMC Newsletter, February 2013
With the close of 2012 in December we came to the end of our third annual IAMC Challenge. Last year the Challenge sites comprised mainly ghost towns and mountain outlooks with markedly varied terrain for us to traverse in order to visit them.
A record 63 club members signed up to participate in the 2012 Challenge with over half of them visiting one or more sites. Five club members made the bronze tire level (10-19 sites visited) while another 5 reached the silver tire level (20-29 sites visited) and another 6 club members attained the gold tire level (30-44. sites visited). We recognize all who participated in visiting last year’s Challenge sites, particularly the gold tire level winners: Dax Mickelson, Gary Umland, Jesse Handy, Kevin Peter, Ed Torrey, and Doug Pike.
It is with special acknowledgment that we congratulate 2 from our club who achieved the platinum tire level (45-48 sites visited): Brad Johnson and Rick Skinner. It should be noted that both of them visited all 48 sites, and both are previous platinum tire level winners – Brad in 2010 and Rick in 2011. Two of the featured articles in this issue of the newsletter highlight their 2012 Challenge journey.