by Craig O. Olsen
Originally Published in the IAMC Newsletter, May 2014
On December 31, 2013, we came to the close of our fourth annual IAMC Challenge. This past year the Challenge sites comprised mostly dual-sport friendly destinations located mainly in Idaho with a few scattered in Montana, Utah and Oregon near to Idaho.
Twenty-two of our club members participated in visiting one or more of the 2013 Challenge sites. The four club members who made the bronze tire level (10-19 sites visited) are Gordon White, Ronald Schinnerer, Eric Exline and James Wilson. Another four reached the silver tire level (20-29 sites visited) and include Michael Hardy, Kevin Peter, Don Nesbitt and Ron Hoppins. The two club members who attained the gold tire level (30-39 sites visited) are Gary Umland and Ed Torrey. Of the Fve club members who achieved platinum tire level (40-45 sites visited), four visited all 45 sites. The Five platinum tire level winners are Wayne Smith, John Dye, Rick Skinner, Chuck Scheer and Craig Olsen.
We recognize all who participated in visiting last year’s Challenge sites. It should be noted that this is Rick Skinner’s third year in a row at achieving the platinum tire level, and the second year for Craig Olsen and Chuck Scheer, both of whom were 2011 platinum tire level winners. This is the First platinum tire level win for Wayne Smith and John Dye. Ed Torrey is also a prior platinum tire level winner, having achieved that in 2011. The majority of this newsletter is devoted to highlighting the 2013 Challenge journey for the platinum and gold tire level winners.