by Craig Olsen
Originally Published in the IAMC Newsletter, June 2013
Saturday, May 11, 2013, was the official kickoff of the 2013 Challenge for the IAMC with our 4th annual spring picnic at Municipal Park. Ed Hiatt was working his usual wonder on the grill while others brought their favorite side dish. About 45-50 club members were in attendance, many of whom signed up for the 2013 Challenge and received their brown bandana. It was an enjoyable time of socializing.
If you haven’t signed up yet, it is not too late to do so. Please visit our club website ( and click on the Challenge 2013 tab (top right) on the home page. Follow the instructions to make yourself an official challenge contestant.
If you have already signed up, don’t be like me last year and wait to long to get started. I didn’t start collecting my Challenge sites last year until about mid July, and by that time many of the sites in central Idaho were inaccessible due to the fires. I got an earlier start this year and already have 10 sites collected. How are you doing?