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08 – Delamar Cemetery

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Coordinates: 43.02390, -116.82662
Elevation: 5654 ft
Difficulty: 3
What to Expect: Suggest edit

Check In

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20 Check Ins
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Tim Ahrens

The road from the main gravel road up above the cemetery is full of BABY heads – I rate it that last part a 5 – though I walked up the road. Even if you can ride it, I would not guess it would be any fun, except to say you made it…

What bike did you take?
'22 Triumph Tiger 900 Rally Pro
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

I hadn’t read anyone’s story before going here, wish I had. I thought my gps was lying to me. The only way up was on a slightly rocky trail. So after some thought, I figured it was probably better around the corner it was not. It got a whole lot rockier and a whole lot steeper, I made it about 2/3 of the way up the part I could see. After I got my bike unstuck, I was so wore out hiking up the hill was the last thing I wanted to do. But I did find this grave marker alongside the main road.

What bike did you take?
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

Yup not riding up that. A grade 4 walk however. Have to look close to see the entrance.

What bike did you take?
BMW 1250 ADV
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

The road down from Silver city is not in as good shape as the road in from the east – but firm going – still a 2. Parked on the road and hiked up the trail to the cemetery itself because there’s no chance I’d be able to make it more than a few yards up the rocky track from the road.. one of our group charged up it on a DR650 – impressive riding! That track must be 4, not 3!

What bike did you take?
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

I was coming up from Jordan Valley and didn’t read anyone’s notes on this. I stopped before the two track. I hoofed it straight up the side of the mountain. It was about 90 deg. I told my riding buddy to bury me at the grave site. I was glad to see something, unlike Whiskey Cabin that I wandered around the woods for a bit looking for a structure.

What bike did you take?
Tiger 800
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)
Ed Torrey

A nice cool day I had to get out and ride. The hill is rocky, Its a level 2ish ride to the turn off at the cabin then hang on.

What bike did you take?
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

Pouring rain, windy, very cold for August. Couldn’t take the big GS up the hill.
the road is slippy when muddy.

What bike did you take?
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

This is a sold 4. Made it about 1/2 maybe 2/3? Was solo so decided since the bike was done so was I. Hard to keep a line and any momentum over the rocks. Lots of loose large rock on a pretty good grade. Hiked up the last part. Have never been here even with the SxS groups.

What bike did you take?
Husky 901e
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

The side road up to this is really rocky and steep, making it a 4+ for difficulty. Tim Ahrens and I opted to walk up to the cemetery.

What bike did you take?
KLR 650 2008
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

Very rocky glad I walked

What bike did you take?
KTM 500
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)
Peyton Crane

This ride was really difficult for me cause of the steepnes and the rock terrain. since my bike is smaller than a adult bike it was pretty hard to make it to the top.

What bike did you take?
TTR 125
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

Missed the turn-off to this one on the right, because I was processing the signage for the cabin on the left (Slow down, Bum Crossing…or something like it LOL!). Did a U-ie and, there’s no other way to say it, CHARGED up the hill to the cemetery. Had to dodge my buddy Phillip on his Z125 (yes, he made it up THIS one too!….the man’s a monster!!). Proud to say I didn’t dab once (can’t say that for the downhill though…that was a sh#t show!…..why is it always the downhills?……must practice more). Definitely a 4 and this is the only street-legal bike I would even try to take up this hill. Major props to anyone that can take a bigger bike up this hill and not dab, let alone drop it.

What bike did you take?
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

lots of rocks

What bike did you take?
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)
Alex Crane

This section is a very solid 4. Grapefruit sized loose rocks, a very steep climb, and not a lot of room for error. We did this on the DRZ and I would not recommend doing it on anything bigger. I walked my bike back down in a couple small sections. It’s about 2/10’s of a mile from the main road, you might consider just hiking it.

What bike did you take?
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

Tough hike in Tech 7’s!! This is definitely a level 4 featuring steeps, rocks and an off-camber pitch. Not made for a bigger adventure bike, and will present a challenge on a smaller dirt bike.
BB and I ended our day in Silver City at the local campground. The sky was glowing as the rain rolled in.

What bike did you take?
KTM 890R
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

Stop 6 on our Owyhee/Jordan Valley/Silver city overnighter. Level 4 is no joke for any larger ADV bikes. You will want to park at the cabin below and make the quick hike in or be on a smaller dirt bike—or borrow your friends bike. Two track is strewn with loose baby head sized rocks, rest of road is loose over hard dry pack, and the road pitches upwards of 10-15 percent in spots.

What bike did you take?
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)
Nerdy Biker

So we didn’t ride up the road on our big bikes (first pic) we saved the tough stuff for later on the way back instead of going back to Silver City we made a left on the way there so we could meet up with the road to Reynolds Creek. This connector is a solid 4 (we didn’t know this at the time). Second pic is me with minor get off just prior to geek dumping it the way (not shown). 3rd/4th is later playing in the mud. The most exhausting (for me anyway, also not shown) was a steep soft incline that I buried my rear tire in so deep we had a tough time pushing the bike over to get it out. After picking it up twice we finally got it turned around to get a run at the hill. Mud had Farai picking his up a couple of other times before making it back to the main Silver City road. Huge shout out to Farai as I would not have made it out without his help. Still tired…

What bike did you take?
Africa Twin
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)
Justin Wilke

The short ride up from Silver City Road to Delamar Cemetery was steep and covered in loose rocks… a solid 4. The picture of the trail doesn’t really show how steep it is. Ran into and 03. It was good to meet them. After we all got our picture, I followed them up into Silver City.

What bike did you take?
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

over the back of silver city – this pic was not delamar, see my comment for the real pic.

What bike did you take?
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)

Edit, got this the second time. When you reach the house (from the silver city side) turn around and take the path up the hill on the left. The cemetery is about 300 yards up on the left. If you are on a big bike, park it on the road by the house and walk up – trust me!
We bumped into Justin Wilke up there. My son was like “there’s already someone up here” and I’d just biffed about 50 yards before the site. 🙂 See my comment below for pic of the path entry.

What bike did you take?
beta 390 RRS
Ride Difficulty (1 to 5)