32 – Deadwood
From Northwestrving.com:
Placer deposits in Deadwood Basin first attracted miners in the early summer of 1863, followed by a second Deadwood Basin placer gold rush in 1867. By 1868 miners discovered quartz outcrops which would lead to the discovery of the Deadwood lead-zinc deposits. However, many of the miners left the following year for richer ground. Interest waned until 1915 when the Hall Brothers organized The Hall Interstate Mining Company to explore what laid underground. Development of the mine eventually started in 1926 – 1927 when 2,200 feet of tunneling took place, construction commenced on a mill, along with a 250-horsepower hydroelectric power plant and camp buildings, including a large combination office and residence building. By 1929 things were rolling along when the mill treated 2,729 tons of lead-zinc ore, which yielded 415 tons of lead concentrates and zinc concentrates, which together yielded 25 ounces of gold,17,723 ounces of silver, 13,118 pounds of copper, 165,208 pounds of lead, and 324,164 pounds of zinc.
More Information
Coordinates: 44.46947, -115.58459
Elevation: 6003 ft
Difficulty: 2
What to Expect: No info
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July 7th 2024 Deadwood Mine stop during IDBDR ride with friends
First real trip on the klr in July and it was a blast!
Not much left of the place but still fun to get there and have a walk around.
Lots of smoke!
not much left of this place
Always a cool stop. I usually take a few minutes to walk around and through the buildings. Definitely worth the trip.
Managed to drop my bike trying to go a bit further up the trail 🙁
Once again, I am glad I exercised discretion instead of valor, and stayed with Dan near the mine, it was sketchy enough getting to that point.
When we got there and some hikers were coming down from the falls. They said getting our bikes most of the way up would be easy. Well, we got as far as the house in the site pic and decided that they must have been related to some super cross champion. The Padawan dropped the f800 and managed to put a hole in the clutch cover which we had to mcgyver with some gorilla glue. Held for the remainder of the trip 🙂
They have mystery gas in the wild for $8/gal if in need at the outfitter lodge. I took a splash just in case to make it to Stanley. Came in from deadwood reservoir, there were a few wash outs and water crossings on the road.
We rode up from Deadwood Reservoir after spending the night at Cozy Cove. Mellow trail with nice scenery. Some minor mud and water crossing in the road to get there near the location. The deadwood outfitters had fuel for sale for $8/gallon.
Snow bank is still at Deadwood Summit. I was able to push the big GSA across.
There was a bunch of people up at the large cabin with little room to sneak a picture in, so I took mine just immediately below it at the mine. There was a large snow bank just north of here. I was able to walk it over in someone’s 4×4 tracks.