36 – Shoo Fly Pioneer Cemetery
Shoo Fly Pioneer Cemetery is a family burial ground in Grand View, Idaho, located at the foot of Lake Idaho. It’s located on a hillside near Shoo Fly creek, surrounded by colitic sandstone formations. The Oolite Interpretive Trail passes by the cemetery just before the trailhead.
More Information
Coordinates: 42.84231, -116.10687
Elevation: 2993 ft
Difficulty: 1
What to Expect: No Info
Check In
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Nice winter ride to grab a couple sites.
Fun paved ride!
I took the day off to knock of several outstanding challenge sites. Rode the back country byway for the first time. Rained last night, roads soupy and slippy. I was 2-up with my wife. We had a great time.
It’s paved the whole way there, if you come from the East. we started here on our trip. The day was young and rain showers were off in the distance keeping the desert heat to down.
Last stop of the day
After the morning rain, the smoke was cleared just enough for a ride!
I grabbed this one on my way down to Indian Hot Springs.
Easy ride to another site. Day one of an overnighter.
First stop on our overnighter out in the Owyhee/Jordan Valley/Silver City area. Road is in great condition
There we a lot of flies, but strangely enough… there was also a lot of bunny bits.
Did this yesterday on my way to Indian Hot Springs. It’s an easy check-in.
Last check in from today’s Owyhee Upland loop ride.
The first stop on my westward ride through Owyhee County.
Who doesn’t like an old west cemetery
I always enjoy a old cemetery
Easy ride from Grand View to the cemetary via Mud Flat Rd. Paved all the way. Ran into some extra powerful pivots drenching the road and washing off the bugs on my bike. 🙂 Easy 1 difficulty.
I rode down Poison Creek cut-off and out to Doyle‘s Place cabin and then down to mud flat Road and to shoofly cemetery. Mud flat Road is paved to the cemetery so I’m reading it a one. I stopped at the little store in Grand View and got a Klondike bar to round out a fun day in the Owyhees.
Pretty good paved road. The Oolite trail just west of the cemetery is a nice short hike.
From Doyle Place Cabin we continued on to Shoo Fly. This is a solid 1 the entire way except for the last 20 yards where it’s fairly sandy. You can walk the last little bit, so I’m ranking it a 1.
Watch for the sand 🙂