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Club Update From Ron, 3/19/2024

IAMC Club Members,

The club held a lunch/business meeting on Saturday March 9.  There was a very good turn out with a lot of familiar faces and quite a few new ones.  It was a nice group with lots of stories shared.

As a result of this meeting, I’m excited to say that the club is alive and well with new officers and activities planned for the coming year.

Officers were elected for the year.  The 2024 Club officers are:

·         President – Alex Crane

·         Vice President – Ed Torrey

·         Treasurer- Heath Hiatt

·         Website Director – Trent Holderness

·         Rides Coordinator – Mike Wineke

Outgoing officers are:

·         Ex-President – Ron Schinnerer

·         Ex-Treasurer – Cliff Seusy

Thank you very much for your service Cliff!

You can expect further updates from Alex and the team as details are finalized.  As always, the club website is

Best Regards,

Ron Schinnerer

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