19 – Slope Road
Want something a little different? Try Slope Road! Featuring plenty of twisties to satisfy the need to turn! Take your picture….somewhere!
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Coordinates: 43.83811, -116.47580
Elevation: 2841 ft
Difficulty: 1
What to Expect: No info
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Use the form below to check in. Check in’s must include a photo of you or your bike, at the challenge site, with the 2024 bandanna. To check in, all participants must be registered IAMC Challenge Members. Be sure to leave a description about the ride, and share any road conditions as snow, water, or obstacles. Please provide any other information that might help future visitors navigate to this site safely. Replying or commenting on another persons Check In is encouraged, but take care not to create your own Check In on accident.
The stated ride difficulty is just an estimate. By rating the ride difficulty in your experience according to this scale you can help future riders stay safe. You, and you alone are responsible for the safety of your ride. While we do our best to accurately convey the challenge level for each site, it is up to you to make sure you have the skills needed to reach each destination. If you feel the trail exceeds your skill level please turn around immediately.
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I needed to get this in before the year’s end. Never been here but it was a fun afternoon ride.
Oh! You were talking about old freeze out!
Stopped on a cold morning.
Stacy and I hit Slope Road on a sunny fall Sunday to put us past 10 points and into Bronze level 🙂
First day of Fall ride to enjoy the sunny weather from Caldwell through Middleton to Hwy 16 then Slope road.
Finished my day with some twisties.
Fun road
I always thought this road was called Old Freezout, but whatever it’s called – it’s sure a pretty view.
Nice view here
Great view and a nice ride.
Fun road, pretty view!
Stopped on or way to Hells Canyon
Stopped on the way to another ride.
curves are good
Second stop and enjoyed the twisties and the expansive views. Weather was perfect!
Fun twisties
First stop double century loop to tag some destinations. Perfect weather.
Final stop coming from Keeney Pass & the Old Fort Boise Beaver thing.
Fun twisty road with amazing views of Emmett and Squaw Butte.
I can see my ex-wife’s house from here!
Snapped the picture from the saddle hustling home from Paddock. Old timers know this as Old Freeze Out not to be confused with New Freeze out which is something like 30 yrs old. Good twisty short climb that has been home to car hill climbs as well as bicycle races.
Very nice curvy ride with a view.
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Beautiful view – haven’t been there since riding my road bicycle up there years ago. Be careful tho there is sand on some of those corners.
Interesting little road that I’ve driven past numerous times. What a great viewpoint for Emmett. And a beautiful day to experience it.
Nice little local find, I had no idea this road existed. Very cool back there, just very short. Tarmac all the way.
I don’t know how many times I’ve driven to Emmett and I never knew this road existed. Just missed the rain storm on my way to Oregon.
Easy fun side road down into Emmett. Watch out for sand in the corners.
This is a great road to ride when it’s clean… but be careful when there’s sand and gravel on the road… nice view of the Emmett Valley
Gentle shakedown ride on a nice sunny evening. The ol’ Pan is starting to think it’s an adventure bike! Some sand on the turns heading up and watch for broken bottles in the parking turnout.
Very easy to reach. GPS coordinates are good. Didn’t know this bluff was there. I provides a great overlook.
Took the long way from Eagle via willow creek to sand hollow rd. Great evening ride
The slope was extreme.
Slope Road was my very first challenge site for the year. But now with a pic
There were a few washouts in the turns on the way down from yesterday’s storm. Beautiful view.
Slope Road was my very first challenge site for the year. I I called up my buddy Kevin to ride out with me. Of course his wife and daughter wanted to come, so we both went 2up. Kevin’s brother Todd also came along.
This is an easy ride consisting entirely of pavement. I highly recommend going around sunset, as the view was beautiful.
Then we froze on the ride back. All in all a good day!