20 – Canyon Creek Station Marker
The Canyon Creek Stage Station is one of only two remaining stage stops on the Oregon Trail. Homesteader Archibald Daniel built the station in 1874 using native basalt and lava rock with deer hair in the mortar. The station is located 7 miles northwest of Mountain Home.
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Coordinates: 43.26192, -115.70371
Elevation: 3599 ft
Difficulty: 2
What to Expect: No info
Check In
Please read before attempting challenge site or checking in:
Use the form below to check in. Check in’s must include a photo of you or your bike, at the challenge site, with the 2024 bandanna. To check in, all participants must be registered IAMC Challenge Members. Be sure to leave a description about the ride, and share any road conditions as snow, water, or obstacles. Please provide any other information that might help future visitors navigate to this site safely. Replying or commenting on another persons Check In is encouraged, but take care not to create your own Check In on accident.
The stated ride difficulty is just an estimate. By rating the ride difficulty in your experience according to this scale you can help future riders stay safe. You, and you alone are responsible for the safety of your ride. While we do our best to accurately convey the challenge level for each site, it is up to you to make sure you have the skills needed to reach each destination. If you feel the trail exceeds your skill level please turn around immediately.
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Nice stop on the Oregon Trail on the way to Prairie. Well maintained gravel road.
Nice day for a ride
Easy access on pavement and well graded dirt roads
Pretty easy ride on dirt roads…hardly any washboarded stretches.
Interesting historical marker along the Oregon Trail.
Nice cool day
Super cool, never been here before. Knew there was a back way to get from Hwy 20 to Boise but never tried to hard to find it before.
Hit this after a fun ride on the Oregon Trail!
Hot today, will only get hotter.
easy ride out
Pretty cool spot. The Mormon crickets are just starting to pop up. Took Immigrant road off of 20. Nice variation. This will be a hot one later in the season.
Fun and fast ride with Bart on freshly graded roads. A few marbly sections to keep you on your toes. Wind was howling on the return to Boise.
Fun ride today w/ Norb. Canyon Cr Station was the last stop on our clockwise loop. Another windy day out on the prairie; so glad I was on a moto vs a horse and wagon.
This years ride was again Sam-less! but great bunch riders. Good to see the stage stop back in good condition.
Great ride with a bunch of great riders!
Great day for the Prairie Poker Ride
Fun ride on “fast gravel”.
This was the first stop on the Poker Run. We had 17 bikes total, and it was a success by every measure. This site is along a beautiful route, and worth the trip. Watch out for sandy sections, otherwise it’s 2’s all the way.
Great ride with the Sam’s Prairie Poker run crowd. Some soft sandy topping on the run back down from Prairie
We had a nice group with 17 bikes, good times
Had a great time on the Prairie ride. The building is new since the last time I was there.
First time seeing this and taking Immigrant Rd from US 20.
A little ruff coming in from highway 20. Coming back on Squaw creek road was a lot smoother.
There’s a roof on it now. This was a great day to ride. Mayfield Road is very well graded and it was a smooth ride down there. Not sure if I’ll be able to do the Sam’s Ride but in case I don’t make it I wanted to check these three boxes (Canyon, Y Stop and South Fork Snake Overlook) on this beautiful weekend.
I also won’t be able to go on the Sam’s Prairie Poker Run, so I took the afternoon to nab this check in with Justin
I won’t be able to go on the Sam’s Prairie Poker Run, so I took the afternoon to nab this check in.