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There Are Only TWO Aspects to Motorcycle Safety

You can make the argument that other drivers are also responsible for preventing crashes, and while there may be some truth to that, there is precious little you can do to make someone ELSE take responsibility (just ask anyone who has ever been married or has kids!).

Tips on Planning a Multi-day Ride

My preference for maps include the Benchmark Road and Recreation Atlases specific to each state. These are excellent detailed sources for both paved and unpaved roads. Also the AAA state and regional maps are good for overviews on highways less traveled.

Planning a Ride

The most reliable means of resolving the paradox is with the experience of fellow riders. Reports and plans at, and other sites provide routes and trail conditions in words and pictures. If you’re looking for adventure, it’s a great place to start.

Ride Planning

I do a lot of my ride navigation by GPS, so when I start planning, I use a mapping program that is compatible with my GPS. I start by placing the major locations that I want to visit as waypoints on the map. This will give me a basic idea of where my route is going to need to go. With the major points of interest on my map, I’ll usually let the program generate an “Auto- route” of the trip.

What about Your Helmet?

Helmet Testing has come a long ways since this 1912 football helmet test. The death in 1956 of William “Pete” Snell, a popular amateur auto racer, from head injuries during a race that his helmet failed to prevent led to the formaTon of the Snell Memorial Foundation the following year.

Winter Bike Maintenance

Washing, waxing and polishing the motorcycle might seem like a waste of time since you are putting it away and no one will see it. But applying wax is a very important part of storing a motorcycle. Wax will act as a barrier against rust and moisture.

The Second Half of the Story

There is nothing about the aging of motorcyclists that makes them immune to the inevitable deterioraOon of both physical and mental faculOes experienced by the general populaOon as it ages. At age 40 or 50 you may say that you will never stop riding, but at age 60 or 70 you might find that your priorities are changing. Five to fifteen years down the road (depending on your current age), there are realities to face, such as lengthened reaction time, poorer balance, fuzzier vision, and ongoing medical issues. As you age, your priorities will very likely be shifting from motorcycling to health.

Ten lessons learned by a new off-road rider

In the years I’ve been riding, and those few that were off-road, I’ve been given endless lists of advice from folks much further from the “beginning” than me. Most have been heeded, but more surprisingly, I’ve learned a lot on my own. Though I’m still no expert, I think my wings are developed enough to leave the comforts of Novice and take off into the Capable. 

Off-road riding Cps: When to sit, stand or paddle

If you are a brand new dirt rider, I suggest trying to stand while riding off-road as much as possible to get comfortable. At first, standing while riding may seem clumsy and unnatural. Over Time and with plenty of practice, it will become second nature. Being able to decide when to sit, stand, or paddle your bike through a section will conserve energy and leave you a more skilled off- road rider. 

Trail Braking….What’s in it for Me?

Trail braking is a technique used by virtually every MotoGP and World Superbike racer, as well as every motorcycle policeman. It is a legiSmate skill worth adding to any experienced rider’s skill set. There are more benefits to using trail braking on the street than there are on the track.