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The Dempster Highway: Dawson City to Inuvik

“So are you going to get that Dempster thing out of your system or not? I don’t want you to look back and say, ‘I wish I had done that when I could have.’ You have new knees now, so get it done,” she said. I love my wife, but replied, “I don’t even have a bike.” “Well you know how to fix that!” was her retort.

10 Steps to Winterizing Your Bike

Whether you do it yourself or go to a shop for maintenance, there are a few things you need to take care of before you cover your bike for the winter months. Depending on how much you plan to ride during the winter (readers here range from “every time there is sunshine” to “the baby sleeps in the garage unHl spring”) you may have to adapt some of these tips, so you can access your bike easily and safely those sunny winter days you still feel like riding.

Getting in Riding Shape

For many sports (football, basketball, baseball, soccer, skiing, and swimming to name a few) being physically fit (defined as flexibility, strength, endurance and balance) improves performance while reducing the risk of injury. Initially, it may seem being physically fit is not necessary for riding a motorcycle, particularly when looking at some segments of our motorcycling community.

Just in the Nick of Time!! My 2012 IAMC Challenge

Also, fate played a hand. On July 30th, our last day of riding for Challenge sites, we were riding the road to Sleeping Deer Mountain. On our way out, we went up to Twin Peaks LO. While there, we noticed a large fire smoke to our west in what appeared to be the Pinyon Peak LO area.

Challenge 2012

By early afternoon, I’d reached Three Creek Store and Jarbidge, and then continued on to set up camp along some unknown creek in a grassy valley. It had been a long day of wrong turns and I was ready to hit the sack. The next morning I hit nearby Rowland and on to the infamous Rd. 67 to Charleston before camping near Wells NV.

Love Machine

I love putting on my leathers. I love hanging out in leathers, but only if I have a bike nearby. I love girls who ride.. .in leathers. I love attending roadracing events. I love the sound of a bike taken to redline in every single gear. I love the thrill, the look, the art, the feel, the smell, the taste, the sensual adventure of motorcycles.


You’ve installed new springs to accommodate your weight and riding style, adjusted the preload, and spent three weekends out in the rocks and roots getting the compression and rebound dampening just right, then your buddy says you’ve got the wrong tires.


If you haven’t ridden this road, it is a must do – no traffic, good road surface and enough curves to scrub off you sidewalls. From Grangeville I went onto Highway 13, another great twisty road, down to Kooskia and then Highway 12 north along the Clearwater River through Kamiah to Highway 11 with more hairpin curves up onto the Weippe prairie and finally to the town of Pierce.

Start of the 2013 Challenge

If you haven’t signed up yet, it is not too late to do so. Please visit our club website ( and click on the Challenge 2013 tab (top right) on the home page. Follow the instructions to make yourself an official challenge contestant.